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District Hunt 2021

Category: Event Calendar

Date and Time for this Past Event

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Game Genius hosts its 3rd annual District Hunt, a thematic outdoor adventure challenge through DC, from September 24 to October 11th. This year's edition, Treasured Greens and In-Betweens, revolves around the environment and celebrates local changemakers. Everyone is welcome to play for free, and teams of 2-5 are encouraged to sign up together. Once registered, players can participate in two ways: race against the clock and set the best time for prizes, or finish the game at their own pace and compete for bragging rights.

Visit their event website to learn more and get started.

The District Hunt has evolved over the years to cover different themes, such as Women's History in 2019 and Mental Health in 2020. Each edition aims to tell a fun story while promoting organizations and initiatives within the featured theme. For 2021, Game Genius has partnered with groups working on everything from climate and consumption to biodiversity and natural spaces. Throughout the event — sometimes even embedded in puzzles — players will build awareness and learn various ways to get involved.